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Broad Ripple

Haverford LL

Broad Ripple Haverford LL

Officer of the Day Manual

Officer of the Day Manual


What Is the Role of the OD?

Thank you for taking on this important responsibility. After you get a couple of OD dates under your belt it becomes second nature and is quite simple. In fact, it’s usually a good time to watch a few ball games and enjoy the spring and summer weather.

Your primary function is to ensure that managers, coaches, and parents fulfill their volunteer roles. While you are at the field as a coordinator of the volunteers and to QC their work, you are ultimately responsible for the condition of the fields, locking up the facility, and taking out the trash.


Arrive one (1) hour prior to your shift if you are opening the fields. You will be opening the fields if you are an OD on a weeknight or an OD responsible for the first games on Saturday mornings at either our 54th St or 46th St facilities.

Assess Playing Conditions (Canceling Games)

It is the preference of BRHLL to play all games at their scheduled time in order to give the kids as much opportunity as possible to play. Because rescheduling games is very difficult due to our limited field space, it is important to play as scheduled. That said, we need to balance this preference with the safety of the players as well as with the investment we have made in our fields to ensure playability over the long term.

You are responsible for canceling or delaying games prior to the game start. Once the game starts, it is the responsibility of the umpire to determine playing conditions. Games may be delayed up to thirty (30) minutes.

In the event that a game is cancelled or delayed, the first steps to be taken are to:

1.       Email [email protected] and text 317-319-7647 with the diamonds, time, and teams cancelled so that a Twitter notification can be sent out.

2.       Email [email protected] with the same information so the make-up game can be scheduled.

Once the notice has been sent out, please be sure to close the facilities as described later in this manual.

If the game is rescheduled, you are required to follow the game to the rescheduled date, time, and location.

In-Game Responsibilities

Umpires Control the Game

Once the games start, the umpires control the on-field activity, including game suspension or cancellation. However, if you notice an unsafe condition such as lightning, please notify the umpires and they will take appropriate action.


Ensure that parking rules are followed. Parking is not allowed in the following areas:

·         No parking in or around the turnaround at 54th

·         No parking next to the sidewalk of D2 (as it will block a turnaround)

·         No parking in the reserved parking area along gravel by left field of D2 other than auction winner

·         No parking in the church spaces

·         No parking past roped areas at ISFG (the firefighters’ parking lot)

·         No parking along the OF fence of D4

Handling Rule Disputes

Should a rules dispute arise that the umpire cannot resolve, the dispute will be escalated to the OD. If you are unable to resolve the dispute, please call the following individuals (in order of preference):

Softball                                                                  Baseball

Katie Meek                         207-318-7663                        Reggie Lyons                      317-213-0787


Tom Mariani                           317-607-5904                        


Maintaining General Decorum

We are fortunate that our families behave in a classy fashion and in a spirit of healthy competition. If, in the unlikely event a problem occurs, please immediately address the situation in a tactful yet decisive manner. Most of the time a quiet reminder is sufficient. However, you have the authority to remove a spectator from the facility. If you are uncomfortable, find another board member to help. If, in your judgment the issue is one that is likely to recur or crosses a line, please notify the VP of softball or baseball.


Ensure that the IPS and ISFG no pets rules are enforced. Politely ask owners to remove their pets. This includes from the grassy areas outside of D2.

Spend Some Time at All Games

Visit all games to make sure all is going well and show a board-level interest in all kids and families in the league.

Make Sure Umpires Have Water

54th St.       The umpires will run a “tab” for water/Gatorade w/ the league (or use a cooler)

46th St.       The umpires will run a “tab” for water/Gatorade w/ the league (or use a cooler)

Game Lengths

Majors SB               No new inning starts after 1 hour and 45 minutes. A new inning may begin after the time limit if score is tied. In teh case of a suspended game, a new time limit will be applied. 10-Run Rule after 4 innings.

Majors BB              No time limit. 10-Run Rule after 4 innings.

AAA SB             No new inning starts after 1 hour and 45 minutes. A new inning may begin after the time limit if score is tied. In the case of a suspended game, a new time limit will be applied. 10-Run Rule after 4 innings.

AAA BB             No new inning starts after 1 hour and 45 minutes. A new inning may begin after the time limit if score is tied. In the case of a suspended game, a new time limit will be applied. Mercy rule: Mathematical end of game / Tournament games 10-Run Rule after 4 innings.

Minors SB/BB       No new inning will begin after 1 hour 45 minutes, regardless of score. Ties are possible.

Rookies                   No new inning will begin after 60 minutes. There is a 75 minute hard stop.

Extra First Aid Kits

54th St.        Upstairs cabinets in the concession stand supply room

46th St.        In the storage container

Equipment Replacement & Game Ball Supply – Umpires/Players/Teams

Manager or umpire should approach the OD to find replacement equipment. Replacement equipment and game balls are located in the concession stand at 54th St and the container at 46th St. Send email to [email protected] to notify the equipment manager of the replaced equipment or if the supply of game balls is low.

Concession Stand, Bathroom, and Trash Issues and Supplies

If you find that we are short on cleaning supplies, paper towels, soap, etc., please email [email protected] with a description of what is needed.


 54th St. Pre-Game OD Tasks


Please start these tasks no later than 60 minutes before the game.

1.      Open D3

a.      Stop at the D3 container and unlock it (Combo: 1958)

b.      Put out the following for the Volunteer Parents:

                                i.         3 base plates and 3 base tops

                               ii.         2 Rakes

                             iii.         Chalk liner (fill w/ chalk)

                             iv.         String for baselines

                               v.         Base digging tool

c.       Unlock the all D3 gates other than the left field double-gate (Combo: 5454)

2.      Place Cones
At the turnaround, place 4-5 cones on the gravel to prevent drivers from parking on the turnaround and by the handicapped spot

3.      Open D1, D2, Cages and Concession Stand

a.      Unlock the concession stand and disarm the alarm within 40 seconds (3469 “off”)

b.      Unlock the bathroom with the same key that was used to open the front door

c.       Make sure the bathroom is clean and stocked. Report dirty bathrooms at open to [email protected] and [email protected] as this should have been done by the previous night’s closing OD.

d.      Unlock the two equipment shed doors of the concession stand structure using the keys on the wooden dowel key ring. The dowel is located in the drawer beneath the popcorn machine.

e.      Unlock all D1 and D2 gates other than the centerfield gate on D2 (Combo: 1958

f.        Unlock all 4 cage doors (Combo: 1958). Note this combination can be shared with all managers, players and parents.

4.      Concession Stand Upstairs Tasks

a.      Unlock and open all four windows (air flow is key upstairs)

b.      Turn on the PA system using the instructions found next to PA system upstairs. There is one switch to power on the system – please do not adjust the other knobs and switches.

c.       Grab game balls for your session and bring downstairs. Do not distribute balls until umpires request them or, in the case of Rookies and Minors games, when the Parent Volunteer is present.

                                   i.      Rookies – Spongy baseball – 1 per game

                                  ii.      Minors SB – Spongy Softball 11” – 1 per game

                                iii.      AAA SB – Hard Softball 11” – 2 per game

                                iv.      Majors SB – Hard Softball 12”- 2 per game

                                  v.      Minors BB, AAA BB, Majors BB – all use same hard ball – 2 per game

d.      If game ball supply is low (less than a dozen of each type), email [email protected] with the specific need.

e.      Grab any supplies needed for the bathroom.
If supplies are low, please email [email protected] with the specific need.

f.        Bring down 6 water jugs from stairs to the ice machine

5.      Fill Water Jugs

a.      Fill by using 1/3 ice and the rest water.

b.      The hose is in the lower cabinet to the left of the ice machine.

c.       Place jugs outside the concession stand for Parent Volunteer setup.

d.      Place about 15 cups on each of the jugs

e.      Place Parent Volunteer task sheets on the jugs

6.      Test PA / Make First Announcement (35-40 minutes before game time)

a.      Locate the microphone and make sure the batteries work (green light when on)

b.      Make an announcement for Parent Volunteers to meet at the concession stand to retrieve the Parent Volunteer Duties sheet (found in this binder) and to pick up water jugs.

c.       Turn on “pre-game” music playlist on iPod.

d.      As music plays and during announcements, make sure that the loudspeakers are working (D3 as well)

7.      Pregame Announcements

a.      Prepare pre-game announcements using while referencing the schedule (15 minutes before game).

b.      Identify two players to read the Little League Pledge

c.       Begin announcements 10 minutes before the start of the game by asking the players to line up on baselines and then following the script found at the aforementioned link.

d.      To play the National Anthem, locate the playlist on the iPod and press play.

8.      Enjoy the ball games!

a.      Please make sure to visit all of the fields multiple times during your session and ask if the managers and umpires I they need anything.

b.      Please take some time to find a task or two to accomplish during a lull in your activities. For example, straighten out the storage containers or sheds, sweep the area, tidy up the upstairs in the concession stand.

9.      Prepare for Post-Game OD Tasks



46th St Pre-Game OD Tasks


Please start these tasks no later than 60 minutes before the game.

1.      Open the Fields

a.      Unlock the gate across the service road using your key. Use bricks to hold the gates open.

b.      Unlock the concession stand.

c.       Unlock the storage container (combo: 1958).

2.      Place Traffic Barriers

Place cones and directional signs across the road between D4 and D5 road to prevent traffic from passing the turn into the firefighter’s building. This is new this year as we are preventing traffic from passing the concession stand for safety purposes.

3.      Set Out Equipment

Put the following equipment just outside the storage container for Parent Volunteers:

a.      9 base plates w/ tops (sets of 3)

b.      Rakes (2-3 per diamond)

c.       Chalk Liner(s) (fill w/ chalk)

d.      Paint Liner(s) (with paint)

e.      String for base-lines

f.        3 digging tools

4.      Fill Water Jugs 

a.      Fill by using the water from inside the concession stand (no ice is available).

b.      Place jugs outside the concession stand for Parent Volunteers.

c.       Place about 15 cups on each of the jugs

d.      Put the Parent Volunteer Pre/Post Game task sheets on the water jugs

5.      Announcements

a.      At this time there is no PA System in place at ISFG, so there are no game announcements.

b.      However, review the schedule to confirm which families are the Parent Volunteers and ensure they have started their tasks.

6.      Game Balls

a.      Provide game balls to the umpires or, in the case of Rookies and Minors games, when the Parent Volunteer is present.

b.      If game ball supply is low (less than a dozen of each type), email [email protected] with the specific need.

c.       Game ball quantities are as follows

                          i.      Rookies – Spongy baseball – 1 per game

                         ii.      Minors SB – Spongy Softball 11” – 1 per game

                       iii.      AAA SB – Hard Softball 11” – 2 per game

                       iv.      Majors SB – Hard Softball 12”- 2 per game

                         v.      Minors BB, AAA BB, Majors BB – all use same hard ball – 2 per game

7.      Start Games

a.      Ensure that players line up approximately 10 minutes prior to scheduled game start for recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance and the Little League pledge.

b.      You may need to visit the fields if they fall behind schedule.

8.      Enjoy the ball games!

a.      Please make sure to visit all of the fields multiple times during your session and ask if the managers and umpires I they need anything.

b.      Please take some time to find a task or two to accomplish during a lull in your activities. For example, straighten out the storage containers or sheds, sweep the area, tidy up the upstairs in the concession stand.

9.      Prepare for Post-Game OD Tasks


 Post-Game OD Tasks
54th St and 46th St Facilities


Because the pre-game list requires approximately one hour to complete, it is imperative that the post-game tasks are completed thoroughly so games can start on time the following day.

1.      End of Game Announcements

a.      Congratulate teams over the PA system as games end (54th only)

b.      Announce names of Parent Volunteer Families as a gentle reminder to conduct field remediation, clean dugouts, replace tarps, pick up trash, and take trash to the dumpster (at 54th St). Where there is no PA system, you will need to find the volunteer families and talk with them face to face.

2.      Field Cleanup

a.      You must make sure that the Parent Volunteers and managers are repairing the fields in accordance with the Post-Game Field Care guidelines (

b.      Do not be shy about instructing volunteers in a helpful way on the correct way of maintaining the fields.

3.      Collect and Enter Innings Pitched and Pitch Counts

a.      Collect and enter pitch counts AFTER you verify that field remediation is complete, but before you leave the fields.

b.      Use to enter the pitch counts and use your name for the authorization code.

4.      Trash and Recycling

a.      Confirm that there is no trash around the facility. Pay special attention to the areas by our neighbors (IPS 55, Church, Firefighters Building, and Apartments)

b.      Confirm that the trash cans (54th) have been emptied and replaced with blue trash bags. Parent Volunteers should have done this, but you must confirm.

c.       See “Trash and Recycling Pickup” to ensure that the cans will be emptied by Rays Trash. If they are not picked up, we will have a mess on our hands.

5.      Clean-up Tasks (between games and at closing)

a.      Make sure all equipment is replaced neatly within the sheds and containers

b.      Clean and restock bathroom (54th and 46th). If supplies are low, contact [email protected].

c.       Neatly put away all tools, rakes, chalkers, etc. in their respective sheds or storage containers.

6.      Closing Up Tasks

a.      54th St Facility

                             i.      Turn off the PA system following instructions on the system

                            ii.      Close and lock upstairs windows

                          iii.      Lock storage sheds

                          iv.      Lock bathroom

                            v.      Replace wooden dowel keys under popcorn machine

                          vi.      Set alarm (3469 “away”)

                        vii.      Lock concession stand

                      viii.      Lock field gates on all diamonds (there are 4 gates on D2 & D3 and 3 gates on D1)

b.      46th St Facility

                             i.      Lock service road and concession stand gates

                            ii.      Lock concession stand

c.       Batting Cages

                             i.      Ensure batting machines in the cages are covered (D1/D2 and D3)

                            ii.      Ensure the pitching machines and screens are locked w/ a chain to the poles (D3)

                          iii.      Lock all four batting cage doors (D1/D2)

d.      Lock the storage containers at D3 and D5

e.       Stack cones from turnaround or traffic barrier and place by D2 or D4 fence for use the next day

f.        Ensure drag screens are hung on the fence, in the proper location at all fields

7.       Thank You!

Either go home as its probably now dark or chat up the coaches in the parking lot.



 Trash and Recycling Pickup


54th St Facility

Thursday (Close).......... Move all recycling bins to the dumpster

Friday (Open).............. Move recycling bins to positions outside fences of each diamond

All Days....................... Trash cans that are half or more full should be emptied, liner replaced, and bags taken to the dumpster. The dumpster is emptied every Thursday.

46th St Facility

Tuesday (Close)........... Move all black trash bins to a position in front of the port-a-potties

Wednesday (Open)...... Move trash bins to positions outside fences of each diamond

Thursday (Close).......... Move all recycling bins to a position in front of the port-a-potties

Friday (Open).............. Move recycling bins to positions outside fences of each diamond


 Parent Volunteer Duties


·       Parents are responsible for both pre- and post-game field maintenance and grounds cleanup.

·       Pre- and post-game tasks should be completed by both the home and visiting teams.

·       Check out for how-to videos and other helpful items. Tasks are explained in the videos.

·       If you have questions, your Officer of the Day is happy to help.

·       Thank you for helping our managers and coaches focus on coaching our players!


Pre-Game Duties

1.    Should be completed the 45 minutes before the game.

2.    Check in with the Officer of the Day (OD) and review procedures as needed.

3.    Remove tarps from mound and home plate, fold properly, and store in proper location.

a.    Carry, do not drag, the tarps

b.    If water is pooled under the tarps, remove water with Puddle Pillows before folding and removing the tarps.

4.    Install base plates for your respective diamond.

5.    Chalk or paint the diamond infields. Be sure to use the templates and string.

6.    Install base pillows on base plates.

7.    Grab water jugs from and cups from the OD and take to the dugouts


 Parent Volunteer Duties


Post-Game Duties


1.    Lightly Rake

a.    Base paths parallel to foul line

b.    Edges of skins into the dirt (away from grass)

c.     Pitcher’s mound and home plate

2.    Drag the infield skins 1st and 3rd (board down)

3.    Tarp the mound and home plate

a.    Carry, do not drag, the tarps

b.    Seam side down

4.    Sweep the dugouts of dirt/debris/gravel

5.    Empty the dugout trashcans into the larger trash cans

6.    Pick up trash underneath bleachers by your diamond and place in trash bin

7.    If the trash bins (behind the dugout) are more than 1/2 full, remove the garbage bag and deliver it to the dumpster in the turnaround circle and then replace the trash bag.

8.    Check out with the OD to confirm all tasks are completed before heading home



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