The Etiquette of Place
Every bit of field prep, cleanup, maintenance, and enhancement is organized and performed by BRHLL volunteers. Step up to the plate and help out where you can. It takes a village, and we are an all-volunteer league. Watch these short videos for explicit instructions on how to rake and handle the tarps properly to take the best care of our facilities.
Field Maintenance - prep and post-game conditioning
Click on the image to get started.

Rake/Drag Infield
Use hand rakes to rake infield dirt away from grass edges. Hand-rake around bases. Using the honeycomb drag, rake the infield in overlapping runs. Avoid coming in contact with the infield grass (maintain 12-inch distance from grass).
Rake Mound & Home-Plate Area
Using hand-rakes, rake mound and home-plate area. Rake from outside towards the middle of each. For mound, fill any holes at rubber and landing area by moistening holes first, then filling with infield mix and tamping.
Line Base Paths
Attach the baseline string to a stake at the apex (back-point of the pentagon) of home plate. Run the string past the outside edge of first base all the way to the foul pole in right field. Keep the string tight. Paint/chalk the line inside the baseline string (the fair side). Repeat for third base line.
Line Batter’s Box
Use batter’s box templates to start batter’s box lines (template leaves impression in the dirt) and line the box. Do not stand on batter’s box templates!
Rake/Drag Infield
Use same process described above.
Rake Mound & Home-Plate Area
Use same process described above.
Pull Bases
Store bases in dugout storage (46th Street fields) or C-stand (54th Street fields) for next day use.
Clean/Tidy Dugouts
Ensure players remove all gear from the dugouts. Empty trash cans into larger trash bins.