Managers are the leaders of their teams. They are responsible for participating in evaluations and drafting their team, leading team practices and games, player development, and parent communication. While experience is preferred, coaching experience is not a requirement for consideration. A working knowledge of baseball or softball is, however, required as is a willingness to uphold the Broad Ripple Way and effectively communicate league announcements and events. Managers are appointed by the BRHLL President with advice from and approval of the Board of Directors. For the Majors Division, managers can expect to give 10-16 hours of time per week. As a comparison, Rookies managers can expect to give 3-4 hours of weekly volunteer time.
Assistant Coach
Assistant coaches are team parents and are selected by the managers. Assistant coaches help managers at practices and games and may take on additional roles as delegated by the manager. Less emphasis is placed on coaching experience and baseball / softball knowledge for assistant coach consideration. For the Majors Division, assistant coaches can expect to give 8-12 hours of time per week in comparison to 1-3 hours per week for the Rookies Division.